Environmental Risks

Unforeseen consequences of GMOs may cause irreversible damage

The 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded for work related to Crispr-Cas9 gene editing technology. With so-called "human guided evolution" scientists are rewriting the code of life.

The God-complex of biotech developers is not only damaging human health with the creation of frankenfoods, but also introducing systemic environmental and species-level risks without any accountability.

Unintended genetic changes6-24, 33 pose major risks to the environment that will be difficult or impossible to reverse.27-29 Seeds or pollen with unsafe genetic material will spread to neighbouring farms by birds, wind, insects, or vehicles.​ Contamination from unregulated crop trials could spread to conventional non-GMO and organic farms, which represent the vast majority of the farming sector. 

Once the genie is let out the bottle it can't be put back!

“We are confronted with the most powerful technology the world has ever known, and it is being rapidly deployed with almost no thought whatsoever to its consequences.” - Dr Suzanne Wuerthele, US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) toxicologist, one of many scientists warning about genetic modification in 2012. Her comments are relevant to the new generation of gene editing techniques.

Research also shows that GMOs significantly increase the use of toxic pesticides and herbicides, such as RoundUp and Glyphosate. Glyphosate is classed as a probable human carcinogen37 and is linked to widespread environmental destruction. Even the pesticide industry’s own studies on glyphosate show serious health risks, including cancer38,39,40 and birth defects.41 

The UK government is gambling with your health and our environment. These changes to the law will negatively affect you, your children and future generations, unless we take action now!

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