Protecting your health and environment

Alliance for Food Purity (AFFP) is a campaign of ARROW Northwest. ARROW is a voluntary organisation committed to achieving its aims through peaceful and legal means.

Our Aims

Our goal is to prevent the contamination of conventional and organic crops with GMOs.

We are committed to ensuring that regulations on new style genetically modified organisms (GMOs) remain safe, adequate and effective.

Safety checks and regulations on gene-edited crops and foods should be maintained and strengthened.​

We believe that GMOs need to remain labelled and traceable.

This will be achieved through:

  • PR and social media campaigns
  • Collaborations with other campaign groups
  • Legal action

Our Work

We work closely with expert scientific advisors to provide information to politicians, decision makers and the public about the scientific evidence which demonstrates the serious and potentially irreversible dangers of new style genetic modification of foods.

We raise funds for legal action and awareness campaigns about the scientific evidence of grave risks to health and the environment from unregulated gene-edited crops and foods. 

We oppose the UK government’s plans to implement new laws that will permit the biotech industry to stop risk assessments, safety monitoring and withhold information about the location of gene-edited crops.

Legal Advisors

The legal team for the campaign is led by David Wolfe QC of Matrix Law, one of the UK’s most respected environmental barristers, and Rowan Smith of Leigh Day.

Our History

ARROW promotes sustainable communities, waste reduction, permaculture, sustainable management of natural resources, and opposes water fluoridisation (which uses an industrial waste product), economic activity which is damaging to human health, the environment and the climate. 

Since 1995

Arrow’s various environmental campaigns have been covered by hundreds of press articles, radio and local TV interviews and supported by thousands of residents, many councillors and MPs.

Local Council investigation and implementation of user-friendly, effective recycling collection schemes have resulted from our campaigns. We have inspired many thousands of people to write to councils and MPs and hundreds to speak at public inquiries.

Climate change exacerbating incinerators and polluting landfill sites have been avoided in Lancashire as a result of our concerted actions with various community organisations.

Working with toxicology specialists, technical waste, legal and planning experts, our environmental action stopped Round O Quarry, Skelmersdale from being used as a municipal waste site. The Planning Inquiry resulted in a change in UK planning case law where public opinion is now a material planning consideration.

Alliance for Food Purity

is a campaign of ARROW Northwest - a voluntary organisation committed to achieving its aims through peaceful and legal means. Since 1995 our environmental campaigns have been supported by thousands of local people, many councillors and MPs. ARROW promotes waste reduction, sustainable communities, sustainable management of natural resources, and opposes economic activity that is damaging to human health, the environment and the climate. We do not trade. A not-for-profit company limited by guarantee registration no. 3792757 (England and Wales). Registered address:  ARROW, Beacon House, Willow Walk, Skelmersdale, Lancs. WN8 6UR. This business centre is used by many other unconnected organisations.

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